Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Learn From Your Mistakes

Yes, today is Hump Day. And yes, I will give you some giggles and laughs (but they will be later today). For now, I'd like to share with you my background story for why you've been seeing so much about Focus T25 and me working out.

Growing up, I was always the kid who was a little bigger than most; I’ve never been skinny. To be honest, I used to blame it on genetics. I told myself that I would grow out of my weight: I told myself it was just baby weight. By the time I reached my senior year in high school, I realized that my body was never going to look like I wanted because I was doing nothing to make it happen. I hated myself. I reached a point in my life where I held myself back from being with friends in the summer because I was beyond embarrassed to be without a shirt, and I would hide my spontaneous personality (which was hard for someone who has a personality as strong as mine) because I didn’t want my body to be singled out and judged. When my senior year in high school started, I knew things had to change: that’s when I was introduced to a life changing program.

I look up to my uncle as a mentor and a father figure, so when he sat down to talk with me about my weight and how I should think about exercising and getting fit, I knew I couldn’t disappoint him. He said he would purchase the P90X program if I promised to complete the whole program (with him by my side of course): I said yes. And let me tell you, it was the best decision of my life! Once I decided to commit it was like some sort of exercise guru took-over my body and forced me to get fit and lose weight. Of course it wasn’t always easy and exciting. There were plenty of times when I tried to make an excuse not to workout for that day; I hurt too much from the day before, I had plans, I was tired, etc. There were even days where I told myself “you are not cut out for this. You will never look like you want, so just give up now” but I then would envision myself 2 months from that point and see myself healthier and more fit than I could have ever imagined: that picture was what pushed me through the tough times.

When I started P90X, I weighed 195lbs. I couldn’t run more than .25 miles without stopping and I could barely complete the daily exercises (but I pushed as hard as I could). I was disgusted with myself, and I wanted to give up. But P90X changed all of that! After I completed the program, I weighed 140lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I ran 2-3 miles every day and blew through the daily exercises with ease. I was finally proud of my body. And it was great timing because I was about to start college the following year, so it was a great feeling knowing I was going into college with the most self-confidence I have had in all of my life.

When I started college, I felt great. For the first 2 months I stayed on my daily routine of exercise. But the further I progressed in college, the less I would workout. A huge part of college is being independent and getting involved, so I got 2 jobs and became involved within numerous organizations. I had gotten to the point where I was attending class for half of the day, work for 5 hours, and then organizations meetings for a few more hours: there was no time to workout. I slumped into my old habits; I let myself down by gaining all of my weight back and slowly getting out of shape. Today, 2 years later, I weigh 185lbs. I hate myself again. I think to myself everyday “how could you let yourself get this way again? After all of your hard work getting to a point where you were happy” and I just blamed it on time.

Finally, I decided that enough was enough. I told myself I would never get back to this point, unfortunately I failed. But because I felt the taste of success 2 years ago, I am driven more than ever to get back there. And stay there! I have made a promise to myself, and the people I coach, that I will never let myself nor themselves get to the point of self-hatred. Although a mistake was made (you fell back into your old habits), that doesn’t/shouldn’t stop you from getting back. I have learned from my mistake, I took my success for granted, and I know now that I will NEVER come back to this.

Shaun T opened my eyes to Focus T25. For a guy like me, nothing is more fitting in my life than an hour’s worth of workout in 25 minutes. I have not finished the program yet (I am actually only 2 days into it), but I already feel better. I feel like I did 2 years ago. I don’t know if is just the program, or if the Shakeology has something to do with it, but I feel great! Within the 2 days that I have been using Shakeology and Focus T25, I have lost 2lbs. And I have made a huge change this time around with my transformation. This time I am not just doing it to lose weight and get fit: this time I am doing it to live a completely different lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle. I am following a nutrition plan, doing the exercises, and taking the supplements. I am changing my life for the better. And this time it’s going to stay.

Until Next Time,
The Intern

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