Monday, July 22, 2013

Part of the Instagram-ily

Welcome back!

The fact that you are reading this makes me feel like I actually have something to live for (aside from the three best friends that anyone could have).

Just me and my pals laughing at the Hufflepuffs. No biggie!

Now I know that I promised you (in my last post) that my obsession of Harry Potter would explode in your face when you read my blog, but it looks like you're going to have to wait a little longer. 

Lets be real...if you have time to waste reading my posts now, then either 1.) you don't have a life or 2.) your obsession of Harry Potter has you hanging on for dear life waiting to measure your wand with mine. How can I put this so you understand...there is only one Elder wand and you better believe I have it.

Too far?  

All seriousness aside, I just joined the world of Instagram (I much rather prefer Owl-grams, but Instagram has a wider fan base) so you should totes follow me!  They call me @Sirius_Potter and apparently I'm a pretty big deal; people know me. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Ok, so that last part is a lie. All of my books are digital downloads from the Kindle bookstore and my apartment smells of musty cat pee, but a guy can dream right?

That's all for today my fellow bloggers. "I had a wonderful Monday. How was yours?"

Until next time,
The Intern

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